Are Your Skincare and Personal Care Products Negatively Effecting Your Health?

Symmetry Health Center’s Clinical Director, Cynthia Boyd D.C. is proud to announce the arrival of Beautycounter to our Bay Area community! This company is the leader in Safe, Performance based products that compete with department store brands.

Non-Toxic Skincare

Never before have we been exposed to such a significant amount of environmental toxins. Are you aware of the ingredients in your personal care products and how they may be effecting your health?

  • Did you know the United States has not passed a major federal law regulating cosmetics, skincare or personal care products since 1938?
  • Did you know it is legal for U.S. cosmetics and personal care companies to use known carcinogens in the products we use everyday?
  • It is legal for companies to use dozens of chemicals under the simple word “fragrance.”
  • 1400 Harmful chemicals have been banned or restricted from cosmetics in the European Union. The U.S. has banned or restricted 30!


Alameda Office


Oakland Office


Get Started Today

Most products on the market today contain questionable or potentially harmful toxic ingredients. Decades of studies indicate that serious health issues (including but not limited to thyroid disease, cancer, hormone disruption and infertility) are on the rise and are due in some part to our ongoing exposure to toxic chemicals—whether it’s in the shower, on our commute, eating lunch at a local restaurant, or when we clean our kitchens at home.

Beautycounter’s ingredient selection process helps products meet a rigorous standard of safety and prohibit the use of over 1,500 harmful ingredients.

At Symmetry Health Center, we are joining the MOVEMENT to provide people with information to make better choices for personal care products. Please contact us for specific product questions or samples.

Dr. Cindy Boyd - Skincare
Alameda Office
1708 Park St., Suite 130
Alameda, CA 94501
Oakland Office
6239 College Ave., Suite 201
Oakland, CA 94618