Power Plate® Personal Training

Power Plate Personal TrainingOutside San Francisco, Symmetry Health Center offers group exercise in it’s cutting edge new studio composed of Power Plate Training, and a certified personal trainer. Power Plate® machines use the principles of Acceleration Training™ to stimulate the body’s natural response to vibration.

These vibrations transmit waves of energy throughout the body, activating muscle contractions between 25 and 50 times per second, enhancing overall performance in sessions as short as 15-30 minutes a day, 3 times a week.

Acceleration Training with Power Plate® machines creates instability in the human body, as with each vibration the body is forced to perform reflexive muscle actions, multiple times per second. Furthermore, these contractions must work in multiple dimensions as the Power Plate® machines actually oscillate in all three planes, exactly as the human body is designed to do. The net result is an incredible improvement in force production, or strength and power.

Benefits of Power Plate Training

Acceleration Training offers a host of benefits, ranging from an immediate improvement in blood circulation, to a variety of other measurable outcomes:

  • Strength: Improves muscle tone, builds explosive power and endurance
  • Flexibility: Increases range of motion, coordination, balance and stability
  • Circulation: Improves & increases blood flow to strengthen the cardiovascular system
  • Weight Loss: Reduces body fat and enhances metabolism
  • Cellulite Reduction: Diminishes the appearance of cellulite
  • Build Bone Density: Increases bone density & prevents bone loss related to aging
  • Alleviate Pain: Promotes faster recovery, decreases pain and improves joint function


Alameda Office


Oakland Office


Power Plate Training

The Power Plate Training can be used for numerous applications from rehabilitation of injuries and post surgical rehabilitation to improving strength, endurance and weight loss. A 23% reduction in cellulite, 16% improvement in vertical jump and a 350% increase in natural human growth hormone-(hGh) are only a few of the incredible changes the Power Plate® can initiate. Motion signals in the body block pain signals, and pain decreases with movement. Exercise and the Power Plate® help strengthen the body and enable the healing process. Great posture begins with a strong core and from a strong core comes an overall strengthened and balanced musculoskeletal system. Nothing will improve these muscles like the Power Plate®.

Recent studies have shown that Acceleration Training offers a 57% improvement in weight loss when compared to conventional exercise and diet alone

Evan Longoria, Tampa Bay Rays

“Power Plate® is critical to my strength and agility training. It has helped to significantly increase my core motion, bat speed and stability, which are key to my performance at the plate and in the field.”

Evan Longoria - Tampa Bay Rays
TRX® Suspension Training

TRX® Suspension Training Combined with Power Plate®

Symmetry is the second healthcare facility in the US to offer TRX® combined with Power Plate Training. This combination delivers a total body workout for men and women of all fitness levels. Regardless of who you are if you want to perform and look your best, the TRX®/Power Plate® combination is the perfect tool for you.

If you want an express workout that can burn fat and cellulite, increase bone density and make you stronger, call or e-mail us today for a no charge consultation to see if you are a candidate for this state of the art fitness class!

Chiropractic BioPhysics Can Help With:

• Back and Neck Pain
• Headache / Migraines
• Scoliosis
• Postural Deformities
• Shoulder Pain
• Fatigue
• Trouble Sleeping
• Low Metabolism
• Allergies
• High Blood Pressure
• Acid Reflux / GERD
• Asthma
• Plantar Fasciitis
• Frozen Shoulder
• Disc Herniation

Do You Qualify for Corrective Care?

Newport Beach Chiropractic BioPHysics Certified Doctor

How Can CBP
Change Your Life?

Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) is a highly-advanced, scientific, and proven chiropractic technique which corrects and restores your spine back to alignment. CBP combines biology, physiology, physics, geometry, and anatomy to identify the root causes of your pain, discomfort, loss of mobility, and altered health.

Alameda Office
1708 Park St., Suite 130
Alameda, CA 94501
Oakland Office
6239 College Ave., Suite 201
Oakland, CA 94618