
What Health problems are caused by Scoliosis?
Scoliosis can lead to many health issues, even aggravate existing conditions and cause serious psychological effects on patients. The most common health issues are the following:
- Chronic pain of the low back, mid back, neck, or shoulders
- Chronic fatigue
- Headaches or migraines
- Respiratory problems because of the limited rib mechanics
- Organ dysfunction (for example digestion problems) secondary to the pressure in that area
- Herniated discs or other spine degeneration
All things considered, the abnormal curvature of the spine can lead to multiple symptoms simultaneously that can affect the quality of your life to a great extent. If you are considering easing your symptoms with surgery, you should be aware of the risks. Surgery can come with a lot of suffering and complications in the long term, which is why holistic options should always be considered first.
How Symmetry Health Center Can Help Your Scoliosis?
Scoliosis causes many serious complications to your health. If you are looking for a more gentle solution to managing your scoliosis, you should consider chiropractic care in Oakland/Alameda as a treatment option. It can help you to increase the flexibility of the spine and relieve the pain caused by spine misalignment. Chiropractors at Symmetry Health Center can offer you various treatment options to manage and support the spine’s curvature, and we can also effectively prevent the progression of scoliosis in some cases.
The most common chiropractic treatment methods we offer include the following options:
- Examination (formally diagnosing scoliosis and measuring the degree of the curvature)
- Custom scoliosis bracing (ScoliBrace®)
- Physiotherapeutic Scoliosis Specific Exercises (PSSE), such as ScoliBalance® and The Schroth Method
- Scoliosis pain relief and rehabilitation techniques with Chiropractic BioPhysics® (CBP®)
- Scoliosis education (what is scoliosis, how to manage it)
Our chiropractors will help you to find out which treatment options are the most suitable for you. It will depend mostly on the following factors:
- Your age
- The severity of the scoliosis
- Your goals
- Your preferences.
Sometimes, scoliosis surgery may be necessary when either the curve or the symptoms are severe. However, this treatment option can lead to serious side effects that can affect your quality of life even more than scoliosis did. On the other hand, holistic treatment options are non-invasive and our chiropractors can help you manage scoliosis successfully and prevent unnecessary progression without leaving you with other side effects.
Treat Scoliosis Effectively with ScoliBrace
At the forefront of conservative treatment for Scoliosis, we use a specific method of treatment which includes an over-corrective approach during treatment and bracing. This allows for an end goal of achieving the most symmetrical spine and posture possible post-treatment. Most of our therapies and bracing are done in the mirror image or inverse position of the spinal configuration that the patient presents with. We have helped many patients reduce their curves and maintain them, in turn experiencing less pain and disability.
Not all cases of scoliosis require bracing, but when they do we utilize ScoliBrace® a state of the art system that customizes bracing for scoliosis patients using a computerized 3-D scanner system. Unlike traditional bracing methods that are designed to limit movement, the ScoliBrace® is corrective in nature and redirects the spine toward a corrected position. We also make braces for other postural problems and conditions including Kyphosis. The KyphoBrace® is also available at Symmetry Health Center.
If you or someone you know is suffering from scoliosis, don’t wait to the point that surgery is needed to correct the curves. Take advantage of Symmetry’s free scoliosis assessment and learn about other treatment options that are effective and safe.
To Learn More about Symmetry Bracing CLICK HERE
There are a lot of questions and concerns that may cross your mind when you first get a scoliosis diagnosis. Let’s review.
What type of scoliosis do I have?
There are three types of scoliosis. The primary type is idiopathic scoliosis. It affects as much as 90% of people diagnosed with scoliosis and is most often diagnosed in childhood or adolescence. The cause is largely unknown, with no underlying cause. The only potential link that has been discovered is possibly a genetic predisposition. Less common types of scoliosis include congenital scoliosis and neuromuscular scoliosis. Congenital scoliosis is present at birth due to malformation of the spine. Neuromuscular scoliosis is caused by changes in neural or muscular health that results in underlying imbalances in muscle tension (either from flaccidity or spasticity), common with spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy, or muscular dystrophy.
How concerned should I be about my scoliosis diagnosis?
Thankfully, most cases of scoliosis are mild to moderate and can be well managed with proper care and foresight. Life with scoliosis doesn’t need to be restricted and you can live the life you want with a high quality of life. Even activities, such as sports, aren’t necessarily off the table if you wish to pursue them. Only in extremely rare cases does a curvature become severe enough that it affects organ health and limits daily activity.
Other frequent concerns about scoliosis include its effects on fertility, childbirth, and posture with aging. In the large majority of cases, scoliosis does not affect fertility. If you are a woman, you can expect a normal pregnancy and childbirth- even an epidural is most likely possible. People are also often worried about developing a “hump” as they age. This ultimately depends on the severity of the curve and how it was managed over the years.
Could I have prevented scoliosis?
Most likely, the answer is no. Scoliosis is predominantly caused by genetics and other factors that are not well understood. Issues like bad posture, leg length discrepancies, and injury might exacerbate scoliosis but will certainly not cause it. In almost all cases, there was nothing that could have been done to prevent the onset of scoliosis.
One of the biggest concerns surrounding scoliosis is what negative symptoms might be experienced that will put a damper on your quality of life.
Will I be limited in what I can do?
Not necessarily. Most adolescents and adults with scoliosis can continue life as normal. This means that you can continue to do the daily activities and sports that you love. Some activities, like high impact sports, may be harder to tolerate if scoliosis is moderate to severe. However, with the right support you can truly do what you would like in life without minimal restrictions. It is not a diagnosis that surrenders you to living a fragile life. You will just simply need the right tools to live life to the fullest. Ultimately, it’s all about setting your own level of tolerance.
Will my scoliosis curve get better on its own? Or worse?
This ultimately depends on the size of your spine curvature. Very mild curvatures that are diagnosed in childhood can often correct or remain stable even into adulthood. With these cases, while treatment may not be necessary it is important to be continually monitored to be able to promptly address any type of progression or health concern that pops up. Alternatively, larger curvatures (moderate to severe) need to be continually monitored and managed to prevent progression, as they will most likely not improve on their own and do have the potential to get worse over time.
Is scoliosis painful?
There is no definite answer to this question. Pain is very subjective to each patient. Plus, severity of pain is not actually correlated to the severity of the underlying curvature. If symptoms do occur with scoliosis, pain is one of the most common ones. Common pain complaints include neck pain and back pain. Additionally, headaches and muscles aches or stiffness are also relatively common. Pain symptoms can be well managed with the right treatment.
What other symptoms will I experience?
Outside of pain, there are a few other common symptoms that you may or may not experience. These might include low endurance due to movement imbalances and deterioration of mental health (secondary to self-esteem and body image concerns). With more severe spine curves, organ dysfunction such as poor breathing and heart disease are possible because internal spaces within the abdomen and chest beco
Proper scoliosis management is an important part of living life on your own terms.
What treatment options are available?
The two top research supported treatments available are surgery and bracing. Surgery is reserved for severe cases that have failed conservative management and come with concerns about organ and neural health. Bracing can be used for any size of spine curvature, but is most often recommended for mild to moderate curvatures. There are a variety of bracing options on the market, such as full time braces, part-time braces, and nighttime braces. A healthcare professional can help you to decide which option is best for your needs.
Is bracing an effective treatment option?
Evidence based research illustrates that a scoliosis brace can help manage and prevent the progression of a curvature. “Fixing” or reducing a curvature with bracing is less supported, but also a potential possibility. Both static and dynamic braces are designed to provide counter-pressure to the spine. Dynamic braces are the most recent trend because they promote spine balance through appropriate muscle activation and strength. One top rated brace option is the ScoliBrace because it helps guide the spine in the opposite direction of the curvature.
Dr. Cynthia Boyd and her team at Symmetry Health Center are specially trained to fit patients for a ScoliBrace and manage their symptoms with other holistic methods (see below). You can call their clinics in Alameda or Oakland, CA to schedule a consultation.
What can I do for scoliosis holistically?
While conservative management of scoliosis with treatment options like massage therapy, chiropractic care, and physical therapy are not well supported in the literature, they have been shown to improve quality of life. Treatment techniques that focus on full body balance and general good health yield great results for feeling confident in your ability to self-manage your scoliosis (a great win, in and of itself). Treatment options might include spine adjustments, lifestyle recommendations (such as diet, sleep, stress management, etc.), exercise training, posture training, manual therapy, pain management, and more.
What are my options for managing scoliosis pain?
Pain from scoliosis is most often a result of muscle stiffness, musculoskeletal imbalances, and nerve dysfunction. While medication may be effective in the short term, long term use can have nasty side effects. Instead, holistically managing pain long term can be more beneficial. This often involves use of modalities like ice, heat, electrical stimulation, ultrasound, traction, and more. Additionally, focusing on restoring some semblance of balance within the body with professional guidance from a chiropractor can also reduce pain sensitivities and unnecessary muscle tension.
Chiropractic BioPhysics Can Help With:
• Back and Neck Pain
• Headache / Migraines
• Scoliosis
• Postural Deformities
• Shoulder Pain
• Fatigue
• Trouble Sleeping
• Low Metabolism
• Allergies
• High Blood Pressure
• Acid Reflux / GERD
• Asthma
• Plantar Fasciitis
• Frozen Shoulder
• Disc Herniation
How Can CBP
Change Your Life?
Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) is a highly-advanced, scientific, and proven chiropractic technique which corrects and restores your spine back to alignment. CBP combines biology, physiology, physics, geometry, and anatomy to identify the root causes of your pain, discomfort, loss of mobility, and altered health.