CBP® Certification Chiropractic
If you’ve ever dealt with back pain, one of your first ideas for getting treatment was probably related to getting Chiropractic care. This is because seeing a Chiropractor is the gold standard for treating any type of pain caused by a spine alignment issue. Yet, the benefits of this holistic approach can actually go far beyond fixing a kink in your neck. With a focus on restoring spine integrity via Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP Certification Chiropractic), you can build true sustainable health that will help you live a life potentially free of disease and pain
What is Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP)?
CBP is an elite approach to spine care that takes your holistic health to another level. The research, science, and protocols that the CBP approach is based upon provide the best possible results for boosting your quality of life when dealing with pain, poor health, and more. Today, we will discuss exactly why you should find a CBP care provider in your area to maximize your health and outcomes.
What makes CBP care the best?
CBP care is an evidence based treatment approach that systematically addresses spine misalignment that can manifest as a wide variety of health problems. The more obvious issues people suffer from are pain, poor posture, and injury. However, underlying spine misalignment can also be a factor in issues like chronic disease, mood disorders, and generalized poor health.
Working with a CBP provider means that you will receive treatment that is based on sound science and addresses your long-term health with a non-invasive holistic protocol. While CBP is a sought after certification in the U.S., only a handful of practitioners are certified within the country. Dr. Cynthia Boyd and her team at Symmetry Health Center in Alameda and Oakland, CA are part of this elite group.
How spine alignment affects our health?
Spine misalignment, even when subtle, can have some major consequences on our overall health. This is because poor spine alignment affects neural integrity and nerve energy flow. Trying to fix health issues without addressing spine alignment first is like trying to save your dying rose bush without first fixing the broken hose that isn’t giving the plant enough water. If the flowers don’t get enough water, no amount of fertilizer, sun and attention will help them revive.
The same goes for the body and nerve health. Proper nerve energy is crucial for allowing you to effectively and efficiently coordinate everyday bodily functions. Without it, our health simply suffers. When this primary issue is addressed first, regardless of whether you realize spine alignment is an issue for you or not, you can work towards your health goals with significantly less frustration and more ease.
When to find a Chiropractic Biophysics care provider?
Now that you know that CBP care should be your go to treatment option for preventing unnecessary suffering and dysfunction, let’s review some of the common issues they can help you address. These include:
- Low back or neck pain
- Generalized joint pain
- Chronic headaches, migraines, or cervicogenic headaches
- Vertigo or generalized dizziness
- Chronic Pain
- Pain caused by a car accident
Outside of the standard ailments that CBP care treats, there are also a lot of other issues that a chiropractor can help support by promoting good overall health and spine balance. Some of these less common problems include:
- Trouble concentrating or generalized brain fog
- Chronic fatigue and low energy
- Mental health issues related to anxiety, stress, and depression
- Chronic health issues such as heart disease and diabetes
- Compromised immune system
- Hormone imbalances affecting sleep, energy, body weight and more
- Inability to participate in your normal daily activities due to movement dysfunction or discoordination
What to expect from your treatments?
Seeking care from a CBP certified chiropractor can be potentially life changing to say the least. There are many options that you and your provider can discuss to maximize your treatment and recovery. The holistic care treatment options that can help boost your health include:
- Restore spine alignment via manipulation
- Posture training to restore and reinforce spine alignment with daily activities
- Soft tissue massage for pain management and further addressing misalignments
- Pain management with options like ice, heat, electrical simulation, traction, light therapy, and more
- Exercise recommendations, including stretching and strengthening, to boost overall health and maintain body balance
- Lifestyle modifications and injury prevention education
Find a Chiropractic BioPhysics today
It should be clear that the benefits of working with a CBP provider are endless for feeling your best. Many of us suffer unnecessarily with pain and illnesses that could be addressed holistically. With the expert help of a CBP spine specialist, your nerve energy can be restored to unlock your body’s own innate potential for healing and thriving. Get in touch with Symmetry Health Center in Alameda and Oakland, CA today. Dr. Cynthia Boyd and her amazing team can help you address your health concerns holistically and sustainably.