Menstrual Discomfort? Oakland/Alameda Chiropractor Can Help
It’s estimated that as many as 50 percent of women suffer from menstrual cramps and/or premenstrual syndrome (PMS). If you’re among that 50 percent and you live in Oakland or Alameda, you might be surprised to find out that chiropractic care available at Symmetry Health Center may relieve your symptoms.
A body of research backs up that claim. For example, a randomized pilot study in 1992 involved 38 women divided into experimental and control groups. On the first day of their period, the women received either spinal manipulation or a “sham” adjustment. The women in the experimental group reported twice as much improvement in their symptoms compared with the control group.
Another study in 1999 conducted in Australia compared 54 PMS-diagnosed patients with non-PMS controls. The PMS group showed a higher incidence of spinal dysfunction than the control group. The PMS group had more cervical, thoracic and low-back tenderness, and scored higher on the Neck Disability Index, low back testing weakness and low back orthopedic testing.
The spinal dysfunction among the women in the PMS study is significant because the spine houses and protects the nervous system, which is responsible for every function in the human body. Nerve energy travels from the brain, through the spinal cord and out into every organ and limb in our bodies.
Spinal misalignments – vertebrae that have shifted out of alignment – put pressure on the nerves that flow through the spine, interrupting their ability to communicate with your limbs and organs. The misalignments can be caused in a variety of ways, from poor posture to auto accidents, sports injuries or even birth trauma.
Doctors of chiropractic who are trained in Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) can rehabilitate and realign the spine back to health in a variety of ways, including mirror-image adjustments, traction, and custom exercises.
Menstrual cramps – Diagnosis and treatment in Alameda and Oakland
Dr. Cynthia Boyd and her team at Symmetry Health Center are among a handful of Oakland and Alameda-area chiropractors certified in Chiropractic BioPhysics, which is the most researched, published, scientific, and results-oriented corrective chiropractic technique. Unlike regular chiropractic, which focuses on immediate pain relief, Chiropractic BioPhysics goes one step further to correct the source of the problem.
If you or a loved one is suffering from menstrual problems, take advantage of our no-charge consultation. Contact us to determine if you are a candidate for care at one of our Symmetry Health Center locations in Oakland or Alameda.
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